Pastoral care within the church has evolved over the past few years and is now shared between the minister, the specially trained pastoral care team, and district visitors.
The pastoral team undertakes to visit those who may be housebound, ill, in hospital, bereaved, in nursing/residential homes, sheltered housing and those requiring particular support or befriending.
Informal pastoral care also takes place within the congregation through its organisations and by many caring individuals
We are aware that we do not always know when folk from our congregation are in hospital, and this concerns us. If you are admitted to a hospital, and would like a visit from either the minister, or one of the pastoral team, then let the church know.
Hospitals do not automatically inform the church, therefore sometimes
(not too often) we are unaware of the admission of one of our folk.
In order to avoid this happening, please notify the church office and a visit will be arranged.
We can never be told too often of someone who would like or needs a pastoral visit.