James 5:15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.
James 5:16b ...pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective
As a congregation we have a genuine desire to seek God’s guidance through prayer. We try to involve everyone in prayer, and prayer extends beyond services and Sundays.
Prayer is indispensable in our forward movement as a congregation and in our spiritual growth as Christians. In the North Church we believe that God answers prayer which is why prayer opportunities are so important. Our prayer coordinator communicates to all, seeking and distributing themes and ideas for prayer, using email Diary published prayer diaries.
Various individuals lead group prayer throughout the week - at lunch, breakfast and evening, in church and in homes. The congregation may be called to pray individually at particular times. There are regular prayer meetings in the North Church, as shown below and a monthly prayer diary. You are encouraged, and welcome, to attend any of these prayer meetings. You may also leave a prayer request with any member of the groups.
Our monthly prayer can be found here.
First Saturday of each month 8.45 am to 10am
To join please click the below link:
Perth North Church Prayer Breakfast
The prayer breakfast can also be joined without a computer via a telephone number.
If you are interested in this service click here for more information.
There will be a live prayer meeting available to those who wish to join at 9.30am.
To join please follow the below link:
Prayer Breakfast –
First Saturday of each month 8.45 am to 10am.
Prayer before Sunday Worship –
There will be prayer from 9.30-10 am prior to the service at 10.30am.
You are encouraged to attend one of these, however you may also leave a prayer request at the office or via our contact page.
Alternatively, send an e-mail to: prayer@perthnorthchurch.org.uk with your request also stating whether you wish to remain anonymous. The items will not go further than the groups unless so requested.
If anyone would like to have prayer points appear in the Prayer Diary, please e-mail ncprayerdiary@gmail.com with your request.